Real Property Management Apex

Keeping Pests Out: Rodent-Proofing Your Bryan Rental Home

First of all, nobody wants unwanted pests. When they invade a rental home, they carry all kinds of problems for the residents and the property owner as well. Rodents are a particular problem as they tend to enter homes as the weather starts to get cooler. They like to stay in warm places where there is a good supply of food, and our houses typically have just what they want! Making it a perfect place for mice, squirrels, rats, or other pests.

There are a few basic ways that can keep pests out of your Bryan rental homes, and if done correctly, can go a long way to achieving a rodent-free rental home. One important example is the elimination of food sources that may attract unwanted rodents. Pet food, birdseed, grass seed, and fallen fruit from trees should be cleaned up or stored in heavy plastic containers with airtight lids.

One other crucial task to keep rodents out is to seal all potential entry points around the home’s foundation, eaves, and soffits. Identifying and sealing gaps or holes with steel mesh, caulk, or plaster must be done and checked regularly. Make sure to inspect them from time to time to be certain that the seals are still intact. Soaking cotton balls with peppermint oil and placing them in areas where rodents might enter has also been stated to work great and this method leaves a pleasant smell.

Some states do not require owners of single-family rental homes to provide pest control, so you better check with your local statues to know if you are required to do so. If ever you are, and for some reason, natural methods do not work for you, then you may need to resort to the usual traps or better yet, book an exterminator to take care of your problem professionally. However, using traps, poisons, or other measures pose significant risks to residents and their pets unless used selectively and correctly.

As a property owner, to add rodent-proofing to your extensive list of winterizing tasks may feel like one heavy responsibility too many. It can be challenging to remember to check the foundations and eaves of each property, as well as monitor the home for its handling of potential pest-attracting food sources.

Go ahead and call Real Property Management Apex instead. We offer all-inclusive property management programs that include monitoring and maintaining the integrity of your property to keep the rodents out and your residents happy. Keep your rental properties rodent-free all winter by contact our team of professionals today! Contact us online or call us at 254-732-1599 today and learn about all of our property management services.