If in case you plan to move to a different Waco rental home in the future or may want to clear out some clutter, holding out a garage sale is a profitable way to go! Garage sales are a common way to get rid of extra items and make some extra cash at the same time. Nevertheless, ensuring your garage sale is a huge success takes a bit of careful planning and effort. To make your sale day go as smoothly as possible, here are a few tips you can follow.
Get Organized
The first step to having a successful garage sale is to decide what to sell. This step can feel overwhelming, specifically if you are inclined to hold onto things for sentimental reasons. One way to determine more clearly what to keep and what to sell is to ask questions about every item you own. For example, think about how every so often you use an item, what shape it’s in, and whether someone else would get more use out of it if you let it go. After which, collect all your garage sale items into one area of your home or garage so that you don’t need to scour for them when the day arrives.
Price Items Correctly
The key to pricing garage sale items is to keep in mind that you won’t be able to sell anything for the same price you originally bought or even for what you could buy online. Garage sale items should follow thrift store pricing, which is about one-third to a quarter of the original price. If you’re unsure, you can always do a fast Google search to check an item’s current value and price accordingly. Also, while people will want to negotiate with you over the price, don’t artificially inflate your prices to try and get more. Garage sale shoppers will see right through that trick, and your sales will likely suffer as a result.
Advertise Effectively
One of the best methods to ensure your garage sale gets a lot of attention is to advertise effectively. That means promoting both online and using directional signs the right way. Once you choose a date and time for your garage sale, post a digital advertisement onto your community message board, social media, or your free local classifieds. Then you either buy some signs or get crafty with some poster board and markers and make some. You don’t need anything elaborate: a simple “Garage Sale” with an arrow pointing in the right direction works perfectly. You’ll want to hang a sign on all major cross streets near your house and several more throughout the neighborhood. The more turns someone would need to make to get to your home from the main road, the more signs you’ll need.
Prepare Ahead of Time
The day before your garage sale, there are a few things you should do to prepare for a successful event. For example, mark the prices on your sale items the day before, not when people are arriving to shop! It is also crucial that you have a money box or other container with enough change to break a few large bills and a sufficient assortment of coins. If you plan to take payments electronically, have your information on hand and visible to shoppers.
On Garage Sale Day
A good strategy to make any garage sale go more smoothly is to enlist help. If possible, get friends or family members involved to help you set out your garage sale items, hang signs, and keep an eye on things if you need to take a break. Remember to sit down when you can and drink lots of water – it’s easy to become dehydrated when you are busy for hours. Keep your money box and other valuable items in a secure location, especially if your garage will be open during the sale. If you plan to have people coming into your garage (instead of just on the driveway), be sure to lock the doors to your house and keep a set of keys in your pocket.
Cleaning Up
Finally, a successful garage sale includes the clean-up afterward. If your garage sale includes large or bulky items, make sure you know what you will do with these items if they don’t sell. If you plan to donate your unsold items, big and small, it’s best to either plan to haul them away right after the sale ends or arrange for a local charity to pick them up. Also, be sure to take down all of your garage sale signs! Leaving them up is an environmental nuisance, and your neighbors won’t appreciate the mess.
Are you in the market for a new rental house? Give us a call to speak with one of our Waco property managers! We have a great selection of quality rental properties available now; browse our listings on the site.
Originally published: April 2, 2021
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